Turn your locals and staff into specialists in your region!
We offer everything you need to boost your region’s tourism industry by investing in your most valuable asset: your people!
Picture this…
A customer stops for a coffee in your town.
The barista rings them through, but before leaving the customer asks, “So, what’s happening around here this weekend?”
One of two things transpires.
Either the barista excitedly replies, “So much! If you’re looking for activities with the kids, there’s the petting zoo just a mile up the road. Saturday’s menu at Jack’s Steakhouse is always a treat. Oh, and the drive-in theatre is playing old-time movies!”
Or, the barista simply shrugs and says, “I don’t know, not much really.”
Bet you can guess which scenario sees that customer leave feeling inspired to get out and explore your region that weekend.
The even bigger picture?
Motivated front-line employees = Happy, vibrant, prosperous communities.
Let us help you transform your region!
These are challenging times for our communities. Fewer travellers mean relying more than ever on locals to support our businesses. The good news? The travellers will return, and when they do, you can make sure you’re ready!
The Experience Specialist Program is designed to inspire and educate your locals on all the things you have to offer in your region. This program is the perfect way for them to support one another with great ideas for activities and adventures, and to ensure they are prepared to wow your guests when they return.
What now?
The Experience Specialist Licensee Package provides you with everything you need to market, train, and deliver the program in your region.
Once purchased, you will be able to access:
Prepared social media content and graphics to promote the program
Online advertising strategy and graphics to reach more people
Produced ads and a promotional video for you to share
Delivery tools such as presentation slides and activities
Seven Steps to Your Crisis Comeback
Learn seven easy steps to rebuild and recover your region. The time is now!

Resources & Tips
The latest trends, industry tips, and resources created especially for you!
The 6 biggest travel trends for 2021
If 2020 was the year that travellers had to put their wanderlust on hold, 2021 is the year of new,...
Why Word-of-Mouth is Still a Powerful Marketing Tool for Tourism
Forget the big billboards and radio jingles–it’s time to rely on your tourists’ words.In a world...
6 Different Kinds of Tourists and How to Identify Them
No tourist is the same. Do you know how to identify them?They might look similar, with their...